Creative Mindsets for Business

How to Create a Career You Love

Amanda Escobedo Season 1 Episode 15

“Doing what you love,” is no loner just advice. 

But, figuring out HOW to do that, and get paid for is a process....a Creative Process with soooo many possibilities. 

And the key to your success? You must first BELIEVE creating the life of your dreams is a possibility, and IS possibility for YOU!

In this podcast, we'll be reviewing the misconception vs. the reality of the Creative Process, we'll be reviewing the 6 stages of the Creative Process, AND we'll be providing you with 3 strategies to help you Create a Career You Love, and get paid for it!

If you're interested in gaining more tools to help you answer your calling and live a life of purpose, then you're invited to join the Clarity Catalyst Group Coaching program for Business leaders that are ready to Create a Purposeful Second Career. 

The next cohort launches March 14, at 7 PM PST. 

To learn more, check out 

Hi All,


Welcome to Empowerhouse Life Coaching, the podcast.


My name is Amanda Escobedo


I’m your life coach pro, conscious design expert, master of removing mental blockers, and upgrading your thoughts, I’m  the founder of Empowerhouse Life Coaching, and I’m your host.

Welcome to episode 15 of the podcast. 


Per usual, I have a burning question for you…

And my burning question is…

Do you believe YOU can do what you love, and get paid to do it? 

Do you believe YOU have the power to create your own freedom?

Now, HOW you answer this determines your outcome…

And the outcome is, you’re living a fulfilled and financially free life or you’re not.

But actually, I don’t care how you answer these questions because…

You have the power to change your answer at any time, in turn, change your result. 

Now, if you said….Amanda…

Nope, it’s not possible for me to do what I love and make money..

Or maybe it’s a possibility? 

Or yes? With a question mark? 

For the duration of this podcast, I’m going to need you all to change your answer. 

And I’m going to need you to change your answer to a Hell Yeah!! This is a possibility!


Because, BELIEVING is the key to your success….

And actually, it’s the first step to the process!

Nelson Mandela said, it always seems impossible until it’s done. 

The focus of today’s podcast is to provide you with some strategies that will help you Create the life of your Dreams. 

But it’s a process…a creative process…that takes time

If you’ve been following my story and this podcast, by now you know, 

I worked in HR for 10 years. 

And when I found the life coaching world, it was all an accident. 

I was frustrated at the job was in becuase they were doing illegal things and I was being challenged ethically as an HR partner. 

Every morning, I felt like I was banging my head against the wall asking myself…is this as good as it gets? 

It can’t be…

I couldn’t imagine myself doing this job, and honestly…HR for the rest of my life.

I used to Love HR, but there was a point where I started to feel like my time in this work had exhausted, but I didnt know what a change looked like.

And when I discovered life coaching,  everything about this industry was pulling on my truth strings. 

I didn’t even know I had truth strings…

I had this aha moment like, omg, this is what I’m supposed to be doing in my life….

But, BIG But, Immediately, all the excuses started to surface why this was not a possibility for me. 

I remember talking about life coaching with a friend and saying,  I can’t switch careers…and she said, why not? 

I don’t know how to? And she why can’t you figure it out? 

I said, I can’t start over…and she said why can’t you? 

I said, I can’t start my own business, and she said, why can’t you figure it out?

I said, I don’t have experience building a business…And she said, can’t you get experience? 

All of her questions stumped….

They challenged me….

When I went home,  I really sat with my self and thought about that conversation and was like…why can’t I? 

Her questions opened up a corner of my mind …she opened up new possibilities for me….

And I started to believe, maybe….maybe this WAS a possibility for me….

At that time, i got another HR job, and I told myself, I was going to figure out the life coach thing while I was working at this new job.

But what I found instead was myself stalling…

The new job I was taking up more time and energy than the last job…

But I also found myself getting stuck on needing to have the most perfect plan in order to take action.

Now, what the Clarity Catalyst program taught me, which is a Stanford University mindset program, is that the Creative Process requires you to hold on onto your IDea, the WHAT, 

but let go of attachment ….

Meaning, let go HOW that idea comes into fruition…

The HOW is a process…it’s a BIG experiment. 

You don’t know what you don’t know yet, and it requires action for you to get answers, to get results. 

And some results are failures,

But you go back to drawing board and try again. 

Now, I like to imagine myself as a scientist….

And everyday, I go into the lab to study my business..

And as a scientist, nothing is bad and nothing is good….

It just is…

And as a scientist, I’m  super curious! 

i have a detachment from what I’m observing

And I’m intrigued to learn, what worked and what didn’t and try again. 

I have great persistence, and an obsession a passion for what I’mr doing. 

To me, the passion feeds into believing the idea is a possibility!

When I finally believed that starting my own business WAS a possibility….that was a game changer for me…

But my belief took time to transform. 

I really had to sit with myself and unpack WHY

Living on my own terms, creating my freedom, the life of my dreams was NOT a possibility for me.

Through journaling, connecting with allies, and working with a coach, I got clarity…that it was all fear and limiting beliefs

And when I learned I could transform my belief system and give discouraging emotions like fear a voice and not a vote on how to do life…

It was a game changer!!!!

I gained power, control, confidence.

Clarity hit me like a tone of bricks…I started to see what a future me looked like.

I started to see clearly how I was supposed to show up in the world, and add value. 

I started see more clearly that what inspires me, feeds me, makes me alive is change, transformation, evolution, and growth…

Especially my own!

And my purpose in life…it’s to help others unlock their greats gifts and to inspire them to share them with the world, and to…live a life of purpose..

I felt so much power in having that clarity. 

Now, creating the life of your dreams, it’s not easy….

Again a creative process…

But I believe, once you know what the creative process looks like, and have strategies to help you take you from idea to fruition, it becomes easier!

Before I review what the creative process looks like, I think it’s important to share the misconception of the creative process. 

Most people believe it’s great idea to success. 

That the path is a straight line! Which can be very Discouraging.

Especially when we see successful peopel out in the world, we like to believe there they ust got lucky, and were an overnight success.

But you don’t know their journey and how they got there. 

Think of Elan Musk and Tesla…in 2021, tesla’s net-worth was worth over 1 Trillion. 

But Tesla didn’t just show up like that!

When it got started, there were a ton of trial and errors.

Elan was 1 month from going bankrupt when it was still trying to figure out HOW to mass produce the model 3 electric sedan.

According to Elan, The Model 3 ramp was extreme stress & pain for a long time - from mid 2017 to mid 2019. 

Production and logistics were hell.

Again, if we go back to the Creative Process…it requires you to hold on the WHAT, the IDEA, but let go of attachment. 

The HOW…it’s all experiment!! And for Elan, that was a 2 year experiment.

So the actual Creative process is 6 phases..

Let’s start with phase or stage 1: Preparation…

Initially, this is where you have all the confidence.

The vision seems doable. 

You might even begin your approach. 

Maybe you gather info, do an analysis. 

And, you think you can go from Great idea to success…right ?

Sound familiar? 

And for me, I had the great idea of being a coach…

I thought I was going to get my certification and boom, I’d have clients to coach. 

Which then brought me to Stage 2 of the creative process…

Things don’t go as planned. There are unexpected challenges

You hit the brick wall of frustration.

For me, I quickly learned that clients don’t just show up at your door. 

I had to learn how to market myself, articular my services, I had to learn how to sell..

I didn’t have selling skills!!

This is when 99% of the people go home. 

They say, oh, I don’t have money to do this project, so I’m not goin go to do it. 

Or I don’t have the skills to do this, so I wont do it .

But, if you stay with the process, this is where your TRUE creativity sets off!

It brings you to a higher level of creativity because it requires you to tap further into your creative reserve. 

Now, when people give up on their idea, this is usually happens during hte brick wall of frustration. 

But, because you’re listening to this process, you NOW KNOW and can recognize the brick wall is a part of the creative process and appreciate what is on the other side. 

So, pat yourself when you hit that brick wall and say, oh yeah, im exactly where im supposed to be!

I”m in stage 2 of the creative process! Awesome!

And stage 2 is where you let go of expectations, of the HOW you thought it was going to happen, let go of judgements of yourself or others involved.

But hold onto the what, DON’T throw your idea in the garbage. 

Instead, go to Stage 3, which is incubation. 

This is where you back off an temporarily leto go, but the issue is still percolating in the back of your mind. 

This time of incubation will you some space to get over your feelings of frustration. 

INcubation gets you ready to come back in and start to strategize, Allowing you to figure out HOW to get over they brick wall of frustration 

Stage 4 is implementing  new strategy. 

I’m going to share some strategies that will help you get some creative juices flowing in a minute, but 

Have you ever racked yoru brain around the name of a restaurant to give to a friend, but you can’t think of it? 

But then all of a sudden, when you were relaxing, or on a run, walk, and then you were like, it was Bucca Di Peppo!, and then you call you friend like, I remember what the restaurant was called!

This happens when you are NOT racking your brain around searching for solutions. 

And after you’ve executed on a few strategies, you’re brought to Stage 5, which is illumination.

And illumination is where you have a breakthrough because you have now figured out how to get over the brick wall of frustration!

Many think it comes out of nowhere, but the preparation, incubation, and strategies are what actually enabled that breakthrough!

For me, another I idea I had was adding group coaching to my services…

Initially, it overwhelmed me to think of all the steps I had to research in order to create a successful group coaching curriculum or program. 

But my ahah moment was when I found this transforming already made Stanford University Mindset group coaching program. 

This program gave me the presentations, the email sequences, the self coaching tools and templates, but not only for adults, for teens and corporations. Too

Don’t get me wrong, I had some brick walls before this program fell into my lap, I even had brick walls after graduating from the program myself…

But I kept my persistence, my resilience, my willpower to figure it out. 

And now, I’m getting into corporations with this Stanford program~

Which brings me to the final stage of the creative process.

Verification…stage five is when you’re taking your great idea into the world. 

You’re sharing and testing it and making it a contribution. 

Think of amazon, when it first started, they only sold books.

They didn’t start as a big monster company. 

They had phases they took out into the world, trialed…came back and course corrected.

And scaled after they implemented their learnings. 

So this is what it’s really about..

This is what it takes to Create the life of your dreams!

Holding onto the vision for yourself…

Holding on to the idea you can either find, or create a fulfilling career that pays you enough  to have financial freedom!

It may not be obvious for you…it may take research…it may take you applying and accepting an offer a new job to see if it would be fulfilling…

And if it doesn’t work out…you know, you’re in stage 3 of the process, the brick wall of frustration, and try again…..incubate for a bit and try some new strategies so you can tap into your creative well….

Now, I keep talking about these strategies…what are they!

So if you remember, the Creative Process has 6 phases to it!

  1. Preparation - This is where you fully believe in the idea and maybe if start the initiation process…
  2. Brick wall of frustration
  3. TAKE A STEP BACK AND Incuabate
  4. AFTER your frustrations have died down, you Apply new strategies…
  5. Now, you maybe go through stages 2, 3, and 4 quite a few times…You may go from brick wall, to incubate, to strategies a few times
  6. But with time, you will eventually stage 5 which is illumuaion, the breakthrough
  7. And then phase 6 where you’re in the real world, your book is on the shelf, your business has been launched.

Now the strategies to support you through this Creative Process Model are as follows

  1. Intellect – that means righting out your pros and cons list, 
    1. If I were thinking about pivoting out of HR…I might make a pros and cons list and map out what do I like about this career and what do I not
    2. I might do an analysis…if I’m looking for financially freedom….I might make a plan of what kind of life I want to live and how much it may cost to live that life…
    3. For one person, maybe they only need to make 150K, for another person, maybe  thats a million, and for another, maybe thats 10 million for 
    4. Intellect can also be a brain storming session with yourself…so brain storming all the different careers, jobs, or industries that seem fun, seem to pick your interest, or have missions that align with your personal mission
  2. Strategy 2 is physical —go for walk, a run, go do some yoga…moving helps to relax and destress you, it helps you let go of expectations and judgements, and allows for new thoughts to download. 
  3. Strategy 3 is do something spiritual - this could be a meditation, journaling practice, this could be a visualization, tapping into your inner guide. 

These are 3 strategies that will again help you let go of expectations, let go of judgments, give you an opportunity to let go of your frustrations, and will provide you with new creative downloads, 

Again, your three strategies to help you get over the brick wall of frustration and create the life of your dreams  are

  1. Intellect
  2. Exercise/movement
  3. Or do something spiritual.

Now, if the new idea you gain from one of these strategies dont work, 

And you hit the brick wall of frustration…


Give time for the frustration to die down..

And go back to the drawing board with these strategies and try again. 

My friends…if you’ve been waking up for the past however many years banging your head against the wall saying, is this as it as it gets…

Let me answer that for you…NO! It’s not!!

You’re not meant to be an unfulfilling job.

You’re meant to USE your innate gifts, share them with the world, and have a sense of purpose!

And yes, you can impact the world and make an income at the same time! 

It is possible!

You just have to hold onto the idea, and experiment with the how.

Its a creative process.

I believe your desires are a compass to your purpose….

Right now, you’re being called to do something more…

Your calling is NOT just a silly dream and it will NOT go away. 

And if you don’t answer, and you start to avoid it…

What will likely happen is a new compulsion will form like overeating, overworking, binge walking netflixs

Over anything is a great sign that there is an area of your life which needs to be expressed…

And if you’re getting the call, it’s time for you to  suppressing what youre feeling..

Doing what you love is no longer just advice anymore people. 

The time is NOW for you to unlock your purpose and maximize your impact in the world, and get paid for it! 

Now, if you don’t have clarity on what that is, you’re lacking a vision for yourself

Or if you’re getting stuck on HOW to make your vision come to fruition…

Then you’re invited to join the Clarity Catalyst Group coaching program for Business Leaders which are ready to Create a Purposeful Second Career!

This powerful, life shifting, 8 week self discovery course is based on a Stanford university master’s degree mindset program. 

Dr. Michael ray created this program in 1979 because he saw his business students graduating, getting high paying jobs, they got those fancy titles, 

But they were thinking linearly, they were unfulfilled, and they were stressed.

With a focus in advancing innovation and developing generative leadership, Dr. Michael Ray created this profound program in Mindfulness and Emotional INtelligence, which has since revoultionzed the art of success. 

If you decide to join this inspiring group of high achieving purpose driven business professions, following your 8 week, you will have clarity on WHO YOU ARE

What you WANT

And HOW to create it. 

As a result, your self confidence, awareness, and sense of direction will increase exponentially. 

The next cohort launches Monday, March 14 at 7 PM PST. 

To learn more, vision

Once again,

Now, if you found value in this episode, please gift the gift of sharing information and share this podcast with 3 people in your network. 

Please share this with someone in your network that is unfulfilled in their job, wants to figure out how to share their innate gifts and make money while doing it, or someone who’s having trouble re-gniting passion into what they are already doing. 

Alright folks,  I’m Amanda Escobedo, and you’ve been listening to Empowerhouse Life Coaching, the podcast.

If haven’t yet, go to apple podcast, or where you get your podcast, subscribe and review this podcast.


Join me next time in another conversation about removing mental blockers, unlocking your potential, and elevating to new heights.


Thank you for listening.